Alpine 4000m peaks

This list contains all of the 128 summits and subsidiary tops of 4,000 metres (13,123 ft) or more above sea level
in the Alps in France, Italy and Switzerland as defined by the Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme (UIAA).
Their list, published in 1994, contains 82 'official summits' of 4,000 m or over, with the inclusion of a further 46 'lesser summits' in an enlarged list.

Official Summits
No Summit Height (m) Range Country Ascended
1 Mont Blanc 4810 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
2 Mont Blanc de Courmayeur 4748 Mont Blanc group Italy No
3 Dufourspitze 4634 Monte Rosa massif Switzerland No
4 Nordend 4609 Monte Rosa massif Italy / Switzerland No
5 Zumsteinspitze 4563 Monte Rosa massif Italy / Switzerland No
6 Signalkuppe 4554 Monte Rosa massif Italy / Switzerland July 2012
7 Dom 4545 Mischabel group Switzerland No
8 Liskamm (East Summit) 4527 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland No
9 Weisshorn 4505 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
10 Taschhorn 4491 Mischabel group Switzerland No
11 Liskamm (West Summit) 4479 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland No
12 Matterhorn 4478 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland No
13 Picco Luigi Amedeo 4469 Mont Blanc group Italy No
14 Mont Maudit 4465 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
15 Parrotspitze 4432 Monte Rosa massif Italy / Switzerland No
16 Dent Blanche 4357 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
17 Ludwigshohe 4341 Monte Rosa massif Italy / Switzerland No
18 Nadelhorn 4327 Mischabel group Switzerland No
19 Schwarzhorn 4322 Monte Rosa massif Italy No
20 Grand Combin (Grafeneire) 4314 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
21 Dome du Gouter 4304 Mont Blanc group France No
22 Lenspitze 4294 Mischabel group Switzerland No
23 Finsteraarhorn 4274 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
24 Mont Blanc du Tacul 4248 Mont Blanc group France No
25 Grand Pilier d'Angle 4243 Mont Blanc group Italy No
26 Stecknadelhorn 4241 Mischabel group Switzerland No
27 Castor 4223 Monte Rosa massif Italy / Switzerland July 2012
28 Zinalrothorn 4221 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
29 Hohberghorn 4219 Mischabel group Switzerland No
30 Vincent Pyramide 4215 Monte Rosa massif Italy No
31 Grandes Jorasses (Pointe Walker) 4208 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
32 Alphubel 4206 Mischabel group Switzerland No
33 Rimpfischhorn 4199 Mischabel group Switzerland No
34 Aletschhorn 4193 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
35 Strahlhorn 4190 Mischabel group Switzerland No
36 Grand Combin (Valsorey) 4184 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
37 Grandes Jorasses (Pointe Whymper) 4184 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
38 Dent d'Herens 4171 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland No
39 Breithorn (West Summit) 4164 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland July 2003
July 2012
40 Breithorn (Central Summit) 4159 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland July 2012
41 Jungfrau 4158 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
42 Bishorn 4153 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
43 Breithorn (Zwillinge West) 4139 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland No
44 Grand Combin (Tsessette) 4135 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
45 Aiguilles Verte 4122 Mont Blanc group France No
46 Aiguilles du Diable 4114 Mont Blanc group France No
47 Aigulles Blanche de Peuterey 4112 Mont Blanc group France No
48 Grandes Jorasses (Pointe Croz) 4110 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
49 Aiguilles du Diable (Pointe Carmen) 4109 Mont Blanc group France No
50 Monch 4107 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
51 Breithorn (Zwillinge East) 4106 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland No
52 Grande Rocheuse 4102 Mont Blanc group France No
53 Barre des Ecrins 4102 Pelvoux France No
54 Aigulles du Diable (Pointe Mediane) 4097 Mont Blanc group France No
55 Pollux 4092 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland July 2003
56 Schreckhorn 4078 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
57 Breithorn (Roccia Nera) 4075 Wallis Alps Italy / Switzerland No
58 Aigullies du Diable (Pointe Chaubert) 4074 Mont Blanc group France No
59 Mont Brouillard 4069 Mont Blanc group France No
60 Grande Jorasses (Pointe Margeurite) 4065 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
61 Aiguilles du Diable (Corne du Diable) 4064 Mont Blanc group France No
62 Ober Gabelhorn 4063 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
63 Gran Paradiso 4061 Graian Alps Italy No
64 Aiguille de Bionnassay 4052 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
65 Piz Bernina 4049 Bernina Group Switzerland No
66 Gross Fiescherhorn 4049 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
67 Vincent Pyramide (Punta Giordani) 4046 Monte Rosa massif Italy No
68 Grande Jorasses (Pointe Elena) 4045 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
69 Grunhorn 4044 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
70 Lauteraarhorn 4042 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
71 Aiguille de Jardin 4035 Mont Blanc group France No
72 Durrenhorn 4035 Mischabel group Switzerland No
73 Allalinhorn 4027 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
74 Hinter Fiescherhorn 4025 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
75 Weissmies 4017 Wallis Alps Switzerland July 2012
76 Dome de Rochefort 4015 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
77 Barre des Ecrins (Dome de Neige) 4105 Pelvoux France No
78 Dent du Geant 4013 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
79 Punta Baretti 4013 Mont Blanc group Italy No
80 Lagginhorn 4010 Wallis Alps Switzerland No
81 Aiguille de Rochefort 4001 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
82 Les Droites 4000 Mont Blanc group France No

Lesser Summits

No Summit Height
Range Country Ascended
1 Rochers de le Tournette 4677 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
2 Ostspitze 4634 Monte Rosa massif Switzerland No
3 Grenzgipfel 4618 Monte Rosa massif Italy / Switzerland No
4 Les Bosses 4547 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
5 Le Grande Bosse 4513 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
6 Monte Cervino Vetta Italiana 4476 Pennine Alps Italy / Switzerland No
7 Dom (Grober Gendarm) 4468 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
8 Aiguille de la Belle Etoile 4349 Mont Blanc group Italy No
9 Grande Gendarme (Weisshorn) 4331 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
10 Pointe Mieulet 4287 Mont Blanc group France No
11 Liskammnase 4272 Pennine Alps Italy / Switzerland No
12 Pointe Bayeux 4258 Mont Blanc group France No
13 Mont Blanc du Tacul (Punkt E) 4247 Mont Blanc group France No
14 Aiguille du Croissant 4243 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
15 Pic Tyndall 4241 Pennine Alps Italy / Switzerland No
16 Picco Muzio 4187 Pennine Alps Italy / Switzerland No
17 Entdeckungsfels (Roccia della Scoperta) 4178 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
18 Balmenhorn 4167 Pennine Alps Italy No
19 Alphubel (Sudgipfel) 4166 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
20 Dent d'Herens (Gendarme Crochu) 4148 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
21 Dent d'Herens (La Corne) 4148 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
22 Pointe Burnaby 4135 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
23 Alphubel (Nordostgipfel) 4128 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
24 Alphubel (Nordgipfel) 4116 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
25 Rimpfischhorn (Grober Gendarm) 4108 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
26 Aiguille Blanche de Peuterey (Pointe SO) 4107 Mont Blanc group Italy No
27 Pointe de l'Androsace 4107 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No
28 Aiguille Blanche de Peuterey (Pointe NW) 4104 Mont Blanc group Italy No
29 Dent Blanche (Grande Gendarme) 4097 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
30 Felikhorn 4093 Pennine Alps Italy No
31 Lenzspitze (Grober Gendarm) 4091 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
32 Wengen Jungfrau 4089 Bernese Alps Switzerland No
33 Combin de la Tsessette Gendarme SE 4088 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
34 Pic Lory 4086 Dauphine Alps France No
35 Pilier du Diable 4067 Mont Blanc group France No
36 Terzo Pilastro del Col Maudit 4064 Pennine Alps France No
37 Pointe Bravais 4057 Mont Blanc group France No
38 Pic Eccles 4041 Mont Blanc group Italy No
39 Dent d'Herens (L'Epaule) 4040 Pennine Alps Italy / Switzerland No
40 Gendarme del Col Maudit 4032 Mont Blanc group France No
41 Il Roc 4026 Graian Alps Italy No
42 Pointe Eveline 4026 Mont Blanc group France No
43 Pointe Croux 4023 Mont Blanc group France No
44 La Spedla (Punta Perrucchetti) 4020 Bernina range Italy / Switzerland No
45 L'Epaule 4017 Pennine Alps Switzerland No
46 Piton des Italiens 4003 Mont Blanc group France / Italy No