Hills: Meall Dearg, Meall nan Caorach and Creag Reamhar
Date: Friday 15th October 2010
Company: Myself, Dave and Beinn

On Friday I met up with Dave to ascend three easy Fionas located in/near Sma Glen.

Click here to see a map of the routes undertaken

Prior to setting off a check of Google Streetview confirmed that there was a small lay-by a few hundred metres North of the track at White Cairn. We parked in this lay-by, walked a short distance along the road and then followed the track at White Cairn.

Near the start of the track there are a number of bee hives.

Bee hives near White Cairn:

We didn't stay on the track for long before taking to the hillside - via bracken and heather.

Looking across to construction of new windfarm:

Windfarm construction (zoomed):

It would be hard to describe the ascent and/or this hill as exciting, the company was however excellent.

Dave ascending Meall Dearg:

Beinn at summit of Meall Dearg:

We didn't hang around the summit for long as we had other Fionas to ascend. We returned pretty-much via the same route back to the car.

We then drove to Amulree, from where we took one car to the start of the track alongside the Girron burn. I managed to park at the start thanks to having a 4x4. It would be easier for car drivers to park at Amulree.

We followed a nice track as far as it's high point, just short of the bealach between Meall nan Caorach and Meall Reamhar.

Looking back to Meall Dearg:

Meall Reamhar:

Meall nan Caorach:

We then followed a faint track up the hill.

Approaching summit trig point of Meall nan Caorach:

Creag Ghorm from summit of Meall nan Caorach:

Dave approaching summit of Meall nan Caorach:

Dave and Beinn at summit:

From the summit of Meall nan Caorach, we opted for different routes to get to the next summit. I took the direct route between the hills - straight down and straight up the other side. This allowed the use of a gate to get Beinn through the fence. Dave descended back via the ascent route.

Approaching small crag on Meall Reamhar:

My direct route must have been a bit quicker. Dave caught up with myself and Beinn at the second summit circa 10-15 minutes after we reached the top.

Beinn on summit cairn of Meall Reamhar:

Looking across to Meall nan Caorach from Meall Reamhar:

From the summit of Meall Reamhar we returned to the gate and then followed the track back out to the car.

A very easy three Fionas done in great company.